Friday, August 1, 2014

Interview with Jessica Swift: August Lovely Ink Artist

This August, our Lovely Ink art is generously provided by the acclaimed artist and designer, Jessica Swift. Drink in the rich golden hues and savor the warm inner glow of happiness and excitement. Let this piece remind you to explore the radiant world this summer. Even if you are not traveling to far-off exotic locales, look a little closer at the world right around you and discover the complex and unique sensory delights right under your nose.

As William Blake says, "To see a world in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. "

If you want to receive a free 8x10" printable and desktop wallpaper of this golden inspirational painting sign-up for Lovely Ink here. Every month, Lovely Ink delivers free inspirational art to your inbox.

I was lucky enough to interview Jessica Swift and share it with you here. She shares a childhood memory of art-making, her exciting dream project and more. Her enthusiasm for life and art is contagious. Enjoy!

intuitive abstract painting by Jessica Swift

Take us through your creative process of making your piece for Lovely Ink?
My pieces start out with creating a mixed media textured background out of materials like paper, acrylic paint, cut paper, oil pastels, stencils, etc. I then scan that artwork into my computer, manipulate the colors digitally (sometimes!), and layer text on top. Voila! That is the process, plain and simple.

The world needs what you have to offer sweet one by Jessica Swift

What drew you to the inspirational saying you used in your Lovely Ink piece?

I love to travel, and there is so much beauty in the world. I was inspired by the idea of exploring, and 'radiant' is one of my favorite words.... thus, the phrase was born.

Quiet Calm I love you by Jessica Swift

Was there a moment in your life when you first fell in love with making things?

I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my mom when I was probably about 3 or 4 years old, while she drew crazy birds in my sketchbook. I'd copy her birds, we'd color and name them together.... it was the best. That's one of my earliest art-making memories, and I've loved making things ever since.

Abstract Nature Intuitive painting by Jessica Swift

Where in your life do you find the most inspiration for your art?

I find a lot of inspiration in just STARTING. The process of putting paint brush to canvas, or playing with color palettes on my computer screen, starts the creative process for me. It's all very intuitive, and I never know what something is going to look like -- the element of surprise, for me, is very inspirational.

Let the Kiss of the great mystery sweep your soul towards its deepest calling by Jessica Swift

What would be your absolute dream project - no limitations?

Gosh, there are so many! Here's a recent one: getting paid to travel around the world, finding inspiration in different cultures, with the ultimate goal of writing/illustrating a kids book about the experience.

Gold and pink intuitive painting yoga Jessica Swift

Who are some of your favorite artists, illustrators or surface designers?

Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality. Jessica Swift

What are your favorite design or art blogs that you would like to share with your fans?

I don't read many blogs these days, but I always love Print + Patternand I've been really inspired by Little Green Notebook lately, too.

Yoga Intuitive Painting by Jessica Swift

And if you are interested in learning about making beautiful and functional patterns, Jessica Swift will be launching a brand new e-course called, Pattern Camp. You can sign out to get on the waiting list today.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and inspirational! Thank you so much for sharing!


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